Title IX and Sexual Misconduct
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Report a Concern
Students or employees who believe they have been a victim of sexual misconduct may submit a complaint against the accused in writing or in person to the Title IX Coordinator via the online form below, by email at TitleIX@umc.edu, by phone at (601) 815-7978, or by mail or in person at 2500 North State Street, Jackson, MS 39216.
Students and employees are also encouraged to immediately contact the UMMC Police Department (601) 815-7777 and/or call 911 if they have been sexually assaulted and to seek immediate medical attention.
On the form below, please provide your contact information and any information about the incident of sexual misconduct that will assist in the Title IX review process. Once you submit the form, a member of the Title IX Office will contact you.
Title IX Concern Report
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